SPSS SmartViewer v15.0 英文正式版(SPSS統計報表生成與發佈的軟體)
SPSS SmartViewer v15.0-EDGE 英文正式版(SPSS統計報表生成與發佈的軟體)
SPSS SmartViewer為一款適用於SPSS統計軟體的報表生成與發佈工具.
You can easily make your results ready for electronic deployment using
SmartViewer for Windows.
With electronic distribution, such as through the Web or over your
organization's network, you can give your colleagues and customers the
power to view, rearrange, pivot (rotate), format and print your output,
including tables and charts.
SmartViewer for Windows gives you the flexibility to share SPSS report
cubes, graphs and tables electronically while empowering your colleagues
and customers to interact immediately with those results.
As an integral part of SPSS' report solution, SmartViewer is ideal for
information consumers working remotely or offline without access to the
Web, and who work with the reports you generate in SPSS Base. Or, for
those users who need to save formatting changes to the report and share
the revised report with others.
Use SmartViewer for: monthly sales reports, market research studies,
program evaluation results, customer and employee satisfaction survey
results, reports, tables, and charts of any type.
PS. This is made to complement the main SPSS v15.0 software, which we
released on retail iso today, and which the guys at lz0 patched all
the way into hell for the glorious 0-day scene. Therefore if you're
using their patched version, we suggest you remove that crap, and
re-license with this nice keygen :-)